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The Satellite.biz


  February 8, 2025    


The Satellite.biz

One Company, One Software, One Processor, One Solution, All Departments

You do not need to change any software hardware or banking relationship you currently have to use our wrap-around web-based solution at no cost to the Municipality!

 Where Refresh Happens!




March 2, 2016

I did my first credit card transaction yesterday. It was quick and easy and is marked as "settled" on the website today. (Yeah !)


Lori A. Shepard, Stamford Town Clerk
986 Main Road, Stamford, VT 05352
(802) 694-1361

February 29, 2016

Hi John and Shawn

The website to pay online tax is great.  I have been receiving payments and so far, no complaints.
Thank you
Pam Cirincione,District Treasurer
Cohoes City School District
7 Bevan Street,Cohoes, NY  12047
Phone:  518-237-0100  extension 2364  *  Fax:  518-237-2912

May 7, 2015:

Good Morning!

 Wanted to say hi to both of you, and let you know how pleased I am for all the help you have given already to the Village of Manorhaven.

Your attention to details and follow-up has been amazing!

Looking forward to a long-term working relationship!

Most Sincerely,

Leslie C. Gross, RMC, MMC
Village Clerk-Treasurer, Marriage Officer

Village of Manorhaven, 33 Manorhaven Blvd.
Port Washington, NY 11050
516-883-7000 x11


I have to admit that this gentleman is wonderful to work with. In just about 3 hours he has me up and running. Looks great and easy. 
Jan. Sent from my iPhone

Jun 14, 2013, at 1:15 PM, <townofforestburgh@hvc.rr.com> wrote:

Ladies –A small introduction of our meeting sponsor for Wednesday! For those of you who are still “iffy” about attending – come join us – John is a great presenter, knows his stuff and his system is compatible with ATC, BAS and Williamson!  I was up and running in less than 5 days!

Please join us on Wed. – if you have this system, come and tell us how you like it – if you have been thinking about taking credit cards in your office – but aren’t quite sure about it – come join us – you will be glad you did and so will your residents! Especially when they can get those air miles or credit cards points for paying their taxes!

Hook it into your website and you can take care of business without even being there!

Come on, your office won’t crash and burn if you are gone for an hour or so….trust me, it will all be waiting for you when you get back! You deserve lunch out – so come and join us!

The payment processing system the Town will utilize was developed in partnership with IMAS, llc, internet content services provider and PowerPay, merchant services provider. Customized for the Town and residents of Poughkeepsie, this payment system effectively provides resident access to needed tax information, while maintaining a sophisticated level of data security.

Residents have an additional option to pay their tax bill with their debit and credit cards in person, or for a small 2.99% +.50 ($1.50 minimum) service fee, they can pay their tax bills online. Credit card transactions will be processed by PowerPay, one of the nation’s largest and most trusted payment processors, located in Portland, Maine.
Town of Poughkeepsie, New York Receiver of Taxes, Geoffrey D. Patterson states, “This system has been provided at no cost to our town. It successfully marries information, convenience, security and value better than any other service of this type in the marketplace and represents a true value to the taxpayers of the Town of Poughkeepsie.”
To learn more about the system, please feel free to visit www.townofpoughkeepsie.com or contact the Receiver of Taxes’ office at 845-485-3611.
 Press Release created by: Geoffrey D. Patterson, the Town of Poughkeepsie, Receiver of Taxes:


Feb. 2014
" I do accept the credit cards in my office. 
You helped me with this last year and I am very pleased with this vendor"
Thank you, Debra Gabriel, Tax Collector Town of Bethel



Web based Transaction Hosting – WTH©

enables electronic presentation and payment processing by IMAS hosting a web based secure, SSL, PCI compliant and well-known to reflect the Municipality, Government Agency, County or Utility to provide a virtually transparent payment end-user experience for every customer.

 Open source web services of DNN are the CMS services provider for the utilities used for import, export.  IMAS' web design and hosting create the presentation and invoicing processes.


WTH©-DP Departmental Payment$

 Process any item within your very own Department Dropdown Choices
Offering both Inline and Online Credit Card processing

Read brief...          Read more...          Department Pay xls.
DP Questionnaire


 WTH©-GBPAY Generic Payment$
Pay anything you want without needing anything else.
 With both Inline and Online Credit Card processing

WTH©-Bill Search, Presentation

with Inline & Online Payment$

and the options for E-Billing

Process any Bill: Tax, School, Sewer, Water, Electric; Garbage; Ambulance; Service;  Fee;  Sticker; Violation; Department: Transfer Station; P&Z; Building; Permits; item within your Municipality or Agency with choices.
Offering both Inline and Online Credit Card processing
For All        read more 
 Connecticut....        New York...          Vermont...


WTH©-BV Bill View Print+
WTH© Web Based Transaction Hosting
  with Payments Plus$


see Transactions


 WTH© Conference Calendar Scheduling

Module Features and Screen Shots

read more..


IMAS ,LL.C. will also provide support for all the aforementioned WTH© URLs hosted on Webtownhall.com via the “Enhancement Procedure” (click here to view) while you have an active Power Pay Merchant account.

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